5 Ways Public Adjusters Help After A House Fire

fire damage to white house with black roof

A house fire is one of the most traumatic events you can experience as a homeowner. 

If you’ve suffered fire damage, or a total loss because of a fire, you likely filed an insurance claim. 

These claims can quickly get confusing and put you at a disadvantage when dealing with your insurance company. 

Did you know that you can get the help of trustworthy professionals who can advise you and prepare a successful claim on your behalf?

Not many are aware, but public adjusters advocate exclusively for you – the property owner. 

We offer expert guidance that’s critical during one of the most challenging times in your life.

Here’s what you need to know. 

1. We are more thorough in damage analysis compared to insurance adjusters.

Not only are public adjusters exclusively loyal to policyholders, but we are also highly trained professionals. 

Simply put, we know fires. 

Perhaps more importantly, we know how to assess fire damage properly. 

Often, there is damage that can’t be easily seen on the surface. Thanks to our experience, we’re able to make sure nothing is missed in your claim.

Public adjusters are also knowledgeable experts who know the ins and outs of insurance claims. Considering insurance policies usually contain tons of stipulations, provisions, and intricate details, you want to have an advocate on your side.

Let us be there for you.

2. You don’t have to deal with multiple adjusters at the same time. 

Sometimes, insurance companies assign multiple adjusters (or points of contact) to work on your fire damage claim

You don’t need more confusion and stress. Especially during this time!

When hiring public adjusters, you only have one point of contact who helps you every step of the way.

It makes the process much easier.

3. We work directly with your insurance company. 

Public adjusters handle all communication with your insurance company throughout the entire house fire insurance claim process. 

Doing it on your own can lead to even more stress and frustration. 

We’ll take on that role and get them all the info they need on your behalf.

This way, you don’t need to worry about anything other than the safety of your loved ones and recovering after the fire.

4. We maximize the payout per your policy.

Fire damage settlement procedures take time and effort, and homeowners don’t always get fair compensation for what they’re actually owed. 

Is that right? No. Does it happen? All the time, actually.

Studies show that public adjuster representation results in larger payments to policyholders. 

We know what your damages really cost to fix, repair or replace, and what to leverage in your claim to maximize the amount you should receive.

5. We save you time and stress.

Facing house fire damage or a total loss involves high levels of stress. 

You not only have to deal with damage, loss, and an anxiety-filled insurance claim process – but also the emotional toll it takes on you and your family.

Hiring a public adjuster means having an experienced advocate who can do the thinking, planning, and negotiating on your behalf. All with removed emotions and looking out specifically for your financial well-being.

Cleveland Public Adjusters advocates for you and handles every part of your claim by:

  • Evaluating your coverage and the scope of loss and damage
  • Filing a claim (or re-opening an existing claim)
  • Preparing detailed reports and documentation
  • Communicating directly with your insurance company
  • Negotiating the maximum insurance claim settlement

When your home and the livelihood of your loved ones are at stake, Cleveland Public Adjusters can lift the burden and work to get you the best claim settlement. 

After a house fire, let us help you get your life back together. Contact us today!